Beautiful Path Code In Java Github


The "beautiful path" code in Java aims to find a path between two nodes in a graph, specifically focusing on three different approaches: Depth-First Search (DFS), Breadth-First Search (BFS), and Dijkstra's Algorithm. These algorithms provide different strategies to navigate through the graph and find a path from a starting node to a destination node. Each approach has its own characteristics and may be suitable for different scenarios.

Depth-First Search (DFS):


  • In DFS, we start at the initial node and explore its neighbors recursively.
  • We keep track of the visited nodes to avoid revisiting them.
  • If we find the destination node during the exploration, we return the path.
  • If no path is found, we backtrack and try different paths.

Code Example:

public boolean beautifulPathDFS(Graph graph, int start, int end) { boolean[] visited = new boolean[graph.getVertices()]; return DFS(graph, start, end, visited); } private boolean DFS(Graph graph, int current, int end, boolean[] visited) { visited[current] = true; if (current == end) { return true; // Found the destination } for (int neighbor : graph.getNeighbors(current)) { if (!visited[neighbor] && beautifulPathDFS(graph, neighbor, end, visited)) { return true; // Found the destination through the neighbor } } return false; // Path not found }

Breadth-First Search (BFS):


  • In BFS, we start at the initial node and explore its neighbors level by level.
  • We use a queue to store the nodes to be visited.
  • We keep track of the visited nodes to avoid loops.
  • If we find the destination node during the exploration, we return the path.
  • BFS guarantees finding the shortest path if one exists.

Code Example:

public boolean beautifulPathBFS(Graph graph, int start, int end) { boolean[] visited = new boolean[graph.getVertices()]; Queue queue = new LinkedList<>(); queue.offer(start); visited[start] = true; while (!queue.isEmpty()) { int current = queue.poll(); if (current == end) { return true; // Found the destination } for (int neighbor : graph.getNeighbors(current)) { if (!visited[neighbor]) { queue.offer(neighbor); visited[neighbor] = true; } } } return false; // Path not found }

Dijkstra's Algorithm:


  • Dijkstra's algorithm is used to find the shortest path in weighted graphs.
  • It assigns a distance value to each node, initially set to infinity.
  • We set the distance of the initial node to 0 and mark it as the current node.
  • We visit all the neighboring nodes of the current node and update their distances if necessary.
  • We mark the current node as visited and select the unvisited node with the shortest distance as the new current node.
  • We repeat these steps until we reach the destination node.
  • Dijkstra's algorithm guarantees finding the shortest path in weighted graphs.

Code Example:

public int beautifulPathDijkstra(Graph graph, int start, int end) { PriorityQueue<Node> priorityQueue = new PriorityQueue<>(); int[] distances = new int[graph.getVertices()]; Arrays.fill(distances, Integer.MAX_VALUE); distances[start] = 0; priorityQueue.offer(new Node(start, 0)); while (!priorityQueue.isEmpty()) { Node current = priorityQueue.poll(); if (current.vertex == end) { return current.distance; // Found the destination, return the shortest distance } if (current.distance > distances[current.vertex]) { continue; // Skip if a shorter distance has already been found for this node } for (Edge edge : graph.getEdges(current.vertex)) { int newDistance = current.distance + edge.weight; if (newDistance > distances[edge.destination]) { distances[edge.destination] = newDistance; priorityQueue.offer(new Node(edge.destination, newDistance)); } } } return -1; // Path not found } class Node implements Comparable<Node> { int vertex; int distance; public Node(int vertex, int distance) { this.vertex = vertex; this.distance = distance; } @Override public int compareTo(Node other) { return, other.distance); } }


In conclusion, the "beautiful path" code in Java presents three effective ways to solve the problem of finding a path in a graph. The Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithm explores the graph by recursively traversing neighbors, while the Breadth-First Search (BFS) algorithm explores the graph level by level using a queue. On the other hand, Dijkstra's Algorithm is specifically designed to find the shortest path in weighted graphs by assigning distances to nodes and iteratively updating them.

These algorithms provide different trade-offs in terms of efficiency, optimality, and applicability to different types of graphs. The choice of which approach to use depends on the specific requirements of the problem at hand. By understanding and implementing these algorithms, developers can efficiently find paths in graphs and solve various graph traversal problems in Java.

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