What is Love?-definition,.

 Behind those collections of remarkable interpretations of art, science, and philosophy, here comes a selection of poetic interpretations of a strange form that is more painful at the same time than art, has more meaning than science, and is more philosophical than philosophy itself. Collected here are some of the most memorable and timeless ideas about love, made over a few hundred years of writing history - enjoy.

Why do many constantly wonder what love is all about? Is it because of fear of uncertainty in a relationship? Or is it because we personally are accused of not showing love to anyone? And why is it that, even though we do not fully understand what love is, we tend to make decisions - good and bad - based on love?


Love is one of the most powerful emotions we face as a human. It is greater than we are, which means that, although we can invite you into our lives, we have no control over how, when and where love begins to manifest itself. Maybe that's why 72% of people believe in love when you first see it. Sometimes, love strikes truth like a light in the chest, and you are not determined by it.

Since love is naturally free, we spend the night throwing and turning around trying to understand what it is, and how we know we have it. How do you define something uncontrollable and inconsistent?

That is a deceptive thing about love, which we can hear in various regions - when we are happy, sad, angry, confused or happy - and our attitudes toward love can be rooted in love, passion and happiness. We use love as an act, as a force to keep our relationships with partners, or friends and family, together.


However, because love is so varied, each of us can find love in its own way, which is why the definition of 'love' is so complex. So we find ourselves sleeping awake at night, searching the Internet for the exact meaning because our culture creates its own need - we want to know how others perceive love so we can see how our love meets that meaning. Think about it: if you say you're in love with someone, but your friends or family don't see the chemicals, you might be upset when they tell you that "it doesn't look like love." Are they wrong? Or are you? How does one know who to believe - so, as we do this year, searching the Internet, we desperately want to know what love really is.


From a scientific point of view, love is a powerful, enduring force. Love is chemistry and not something you can control. Take, for example, the difference between desire and love. Lust is a temporary desire stimulated by increased release of testosterone and estrogen - it lasts for a while, then you do the norm and go away. However, when you feel true love, the brain can release a complete set of chemicals, allowing you to hear a variety of expressions.


Love is very difficult to describe because it does not exist as one. We can feel the love of our most important friends, our parents, friends, children and pets. Some of us direct our love to God, or celebrities, and we can hold love for our neighbor, our country, and our possessions. Love can be blind, distorted, miserable, unconditional, unyielding, and inconsistent. It takes a lot of variety, but, as far as possible, love is a loving commitment that we always work to nurture and nurture.


When you remove the element of commitment, love is infatuation. When you no longer love someone, you just give yourself over to them. Infatuation is not really a good love, because, we often allow our worries to be the root of the relationship, which does not mean that you are focusing more on the idea of   being in love, or the idea of   a relationship, rather than the relationship itself.


Lastly, when all is said and done, love is also about harmony. When breaking down and analyzing different relationships, one of the most important things is how the two partners work together. If you share the same values, likes and dislikes, interests, political or philosophical ideas with someone you may agree with, then you are more likely to fall in love. Of course, there can always be situations where "opposition is attractive" but there will always be some reason for the relationship to grow, or it may fall into one of the categories of love. Love and harmony work together to build relationships, so at the end of the day, you want to find someone you know who will get along with you, right?

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